Monday, September 18, 2006

September 2006

Let your customers READ and HEAR your words
Dear GetMoreCustomers Reader:

Summer's done. Are you thinking of refreshing something about your business this time of year? Maybe the changing leaves remind you of new beginnings (school!). Or if you're a gardener, maybe you think of endings and of long periods of rest and regeneration-to-come.

Either way, as the days of heat and sun wear gradually away (geez--a daytime high of low-60-something last week), the coming crisp skies and bracing breezes of October usher in a time of profound change.

When you start refreshing some aspect of your business, make sure you do it in your true voice. While it can be tough to find the right words to express your genuine feelings--themselves not always easy to identify--about your customers, your employees, and your business, your audience listens better when your words convey the power and the passion behind the dedication and hard work you put into that business every day. Words that inspire trust and confidence in those who hear or read them.

Let them hear and read your true messages--delivered honestly, openly and effectively. Among the many ways to reach out, a corporate blog and newsletter (they read your words) are among the most powerful. Likewise, the speeches you give (they hear your words and see your body language) can make a huge impression--or put people to sleep.

As a blog expert, I can tell you there's no stronger way to use your voice to attract and retain loyal, profitable clients. And keeping in touch proactively with a newsletter ("e" or otherwise) is a critical part of promoting your successful blog--you may write it, but even your biggest fans won't automatically remember to come! Even when they add your blog to an RSS reader, they still might forget to read it (do you tend to ignore yours like I do mine when I'm busy?). Nothing can substitute for putting yourself politely in their sight with a visit to their personal inboxes.

If you're curious about blogs, I recently rededicated to sharing my secrets and tips on how to publish a corporate blog. A blog that does what it's meant to do--create and nurture relationships with internal and external customers, vendors, suppliers, the press, and last but not least, prospects. If you have any questions or want to kick the idea around, email me.


P.S. I appreciate your interest in my newsletter--if there's ever any topic you'd like me to address, please let me know.

Oh, and check out my story in Crain's online about the new express bus service between Cleveland and Chicago--no lines, no hassles, get some work done instead of stressing through the airport routine.

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